Monday, September 14
DUE: Character Change Reading Evidence
- Library
- "Charles" pg. 250 of literature book
- Again & Again, Aha Moment
- Theme: the lesson or moral of the story.
- We can read and comprehend literature. We can identify theme and analyze its development.
Homework: Finish Signposts page, reading
Tuesday, September 15
DUE: Signposts page from "Charles" (Again & Again and AHA Moment)
- Skype with Jennifer Nielsen
- Writer's Workshop: Stepping into the drama
- We can use narrative technique to develop events, setting, and characters. We can organize an event sequence that unfolds naturally and logically.
Wednesday, September 16
DUE: Reading Goal halfway point. Hand in Reading Log (in Reader's Notebook).
- Tough Questions with Picture book, Riding the Tiger
- We can read and comprehend literature.
- Writer's Workshop: Studying published texts to write leads
Thursday, September 17
- Memory Moment with Picture book
- We can read and comprehend literature.
- Writer's Workshop: Grounding Dialogue in scenes.
- We can use narrative techniques, such as dialogue, to develop events, setting, and characters.
Friday, September 18
No school! Have a great weekend!